rockwood homeowners - annual general meeting 2021
Remarks from Councillor Fonseca
Racing on Rathburn:
A resident raised the issue of speeding on Rathburn. When he called the police, he was advised that he would need to provide a licence plate number.
At the Councillor’s request the police had been stationed for several evenings to catch any speeders with no success,
Councillor discussed ASE as a Potential Solution
Gatherings north of Eglinton may be the source of speeding noises heard
– Max Ward Park – Regional of Peel is looking after this as well as the property management
Police presence on other roads
Police Presence on trails
Petition for stop signs – what is the process to initiate
Splash Pad Parking
A resident expressed a concern that the current parking space was not sufficient to handle the additional demand. Will they be expanding the parking lot or permitting road parking to accommodate the influx of visitors to this already busy parking lot? And how will the new bike lanes accommodate this?
Councillor’s Response: There is no provision to expand the existing parking lot and is not part of our current scope of work at this time. Councillor Fonseca will work with the staff to inquire about this more in detail. Although the city is not involved with road improvements proposed for Rathburn Rd E. by T&W, it ‘s our understanding that ‘no-street parking’ along Rathburn Rd E. would remain in place and the addition of bicycle lanes would not be impacted.
Question: Who has the right of way, pedestrians or Bikers?
Answer: On off-road trails, users are expected to share the trail, where slower moving users (typically pedestrians) should stay to the right and faster moving users (typically people on bicycles) passing on the left. The City has more “Share the Trail” educational campaign materials that will be put out to the public this season. You can find more information here -
Question: What is the Status, Survey Results & Community engagement of local residents?
This received neither a negative or positive response, rather a litany of steps that are underway to study the feasibly of both a rink and a location.
When will the trail be completed?
Answer – portions of the trail Burnhamthrope to BB will remain closed for another 8 weeks. A change to the location of the trail alinement has been proposed. Alectra’s portion can realigned but were are waiting to here from Hydro One.
Bloor to Burnhamthrope is in finalization of opening process.
Who is responsible for maintenance of the hydro field?
Answer: The City will be in charge of the trail N&S part and Hydro One on the E & W north of Audubon
Why are benches facing directly into houses and not into the field?
Answer: Staff will work with the residents who currently live there
Is Trail 11 going to be renamed and if so, who chooses the name?
Councillor Fonseca has asked staff about the renaming and is waiting to hear back
In response to a question from a resident of Lovelady regarding a vacant house where the grass has not been cut and the pool is stagnant.
How should residents with dead beat neighbours deal with their issues? How long should they have to wait for a response?
Response: Our office reached out to By Law to see if there is any long- term situation can be looked into, as well as to send someone out currently. We are getting more details if we can change the by law.
Answer: Not all of the conditions have been completed. Elevators are not yet to standards (even though the were given $100k to replace them.) Councillor has a meeting scheduled with tenants. The funds for the Splash Pad are part of Section 37. Other items such as the pergola and trees for the Shaver trail will be withheld until the project is completed.
Question: The community has requested neighbourhood signage as a community benefit for this project. Now that is completed, when we will get the benefit?
Answer: We received the money $60,000 (Section 37- signage) for the community benefits, so it is available to spend. It needs to be coordinated through T & W (Jerry Pinchak is the Supervisor of Signs and Pavement Markings). we need to initiate with T&W
- Safety Issues
Racing on Rathburn:
A resident raised the issue of speeding on Rathburn. When he called the police, he was advised that he would need to provide a licence plate number.
At the Councillor’s request the police had been stationed for several evenings to catch any speeders with no success,
Councillor discussed ASE as a Potential Solution
- Automated Speed Enforcement
Gatherings north of Eglinton may be the source of speeding noises heard
– Max Ward Park – Regional of Peel is looking after this as well as the property management
Police presence on other roads
- Councillor Fonseca has requested
Police Presence on trails
- Councillor Fonseca has made request for the police to be on the trails as well the bike lanes
Petition for stop signs – what is the process to initiate
- Splash Pad Update
- Construction is starting at the end of June 2021. The plans can be found here… they are in the process of updating the website to include more information.
Splash Pad Parking
A resident expressed a concern that the current parking space was not sufficient to handle the additional demand. Will they be expanding the parking lot or permitting road parking to accommodate the influx of visitors to this already busy parking lot? And how will the new bike lanes accommodate this?
Councillor’s Response: There is no provision to expand the existing parking lot and is not part of our current scope of work at this time. Councillor Fonseca will work with the staff to inquire about this more in detail. Although the city is not involved with road improvements proposed for Rathburn Rd E. by T&W, it ‘s our understanding that ‘no-street parking’ along Rathburn Rd E. would remain in place and the addition of bicycle lanes would not be impacted.
- Creek Bank Trail
Question: Who has the right of way, pedestrians or Bikers?
Answer: On off-road trails, users are expected to share the trail, where slower moving users (typically pedestrians) should stay to the right and faster moving users (typically people on bicycles) passing on the left. The City has more “Share the Trail” educational campaign materials that will be put out to the public this season. You can find more information here -
- Gulleden Park
Question: What is the Status, Survey Results & Community engagement of local residents?
- Survey has 1600 Visits to the website, with about 500 people filling in the survey
- Top 3 suggestions for the rink was outdoor rink, natural areas and seating areas
- Engagement of the local community will happen first followed by a wider community engagement with drawings in the fall.
This received neither a negative or positive response, rather a litany of steps that are underway to study the feasibly of both a rink and a location.
- Status of Trail 11
When will the trail be completed?
Answer – portions of the trail Burnhamthrope to BB will remain closed for another 8 weeks. A change to the location of the trail alinement has been proposed. Alectra’s portion can realigned but were are waiting to here from Hydro One.
Bloor to Burnhamthrope is in finalization of opening process.
Who is responsible for maintenance of the hydro field?
Answer: The City will be in charge of the trail N&S part and Hydro One on the E & W north of Audubon
Why are benches facing directly into houses and not into the field?
Answer: Staff will work with the residents who currently live there
Is Trail 11 going to be renamed and if so, who chooses the name?
Councillor Fonseca has asked staff about the renaming and is waiting to hear back
- City response time and By-Law Enforcement
In response to a question from a resident of Lovelady regarding a vacant house where the grass has not been cut and the pool is stagnant.
How should residents with dead beat neighbours deal with their issues? How long should they have to wait for a response?
Response: Our office reached out to By Law to see if there is any long- term situation can be looked into, as well as to send someone out currently. We are getting more details if we can change the by law.
- Status of Chelsea-on-the-Green
Answer: Not all of the conditions have been completed. Elevators are not yet to standards (even though the were given $100k to replace them.) Councillor has a meeting scheduled with tenants. The funds for the Splash Pad are part of Section 37. Other items such as the pergola and trees for the Shaver trail will be withheld until the project is completed.
- Audubon Community Benefit Update
Question: The community has requested neighbourhood signage as a community benefit for this project. Now that is completed, when we will get the benefit?
Answer: We received the money $60,000 (Section 37- signage) for the community benefits, so it is available to spend. It needs to be coordinated through T & W (Jerry Pinchak is the Supervisor of Signs and Pavement Markings). we need to initiate with T&W