The City of Mississauga is taking steps towards the rezoning of Audubon Park which is located in the North end of our Rockwood Community where Fieldgate Drive meets Audubon Boulevard.
Diana Rusnov at the City met with Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) staff in October to start the rezoning process. The ORC will be submitting an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) to remove the lands from the Parkway Belt West Plan. A public notice in a local paper will inform Rockwood residents of the proposed change. Once the application is signed off by the Minister, the City will receive notice that the lands are no longer in the Parkway Belt West plan. Next, Mississauga’s Planning & Building [P&B] Department will undertake a City initiated Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning to designate and zone the lands in line with the abutting and surrounding area. While the ORC did mention that they would like some additional density for possible townhouses, Mississauga said that they would not support this but agreed to a single family zone the same as the R4 on the rest of Audubon. Finally, once the lands are designated in the Official Plan [OP] and Zoning By-law, the ORC will proceed to put the lands on the market. The successful purchaser will then need to make an application for severance to create the individual lots. This entire process is likely to take more than a year.
*Please note this article was originally published in the Spring 2010 edition of The Rockwood Times.