Beverly had submitted an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning application to Planning in May, 2013 to allow them to build 30 townhomes on the corner of Audubon and Fieldgate. However, Council did not adopt a position to amend the Official plan or Rezoning until June 4, 2012, and Beverly appealed to OMB citing that the City had failed to make a decision on the application within a reasonable time frame.
The City-initiated proposal, which was adopted on June 4th, was an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment that would only allow single-family homes on the Audubon Lands. Beverly Homes, the present owner of the land, subsequently appealed the City-initiated amendment, basically rendering changes approved by the City unenforceable.
We are expecting that the OMB will hold a hearing in Spring 2014. At that time the Planning Department will provide a defence of their position to OMB and will seek input from local residents and Councillors. Our Councillor, Chris Fonseca, and the RHA are opposed to the Beverly Homes development. Although our Councillor is not allowed to attend the OMB hearing, the RHA will make a presentation and local homeowners may also choose to voice their dissent at that hearing.
Information as to the dates for hearings will be posted on the RHA website at