It’s been a busy two months for RHA, attending many community events.
Late March, a delegation of RHA Directors and residents attended the City of Mississauga’s Planning and Development (P&D) Meeting to make a deputation on the proposal made by Beverly Homes for the lands at 1715 Audubon Blvd., requesting P&D make an amendment to the Mississauga Official Plan to change the Area Designation from Parkway Belt West to Residential Medium Density. In addition, they were asking to change the zoning for the land from Parkway Belt to allow 30 townhomes.
It was a long-awaited decision as our item on the Agenda did not go in front of the Committee until midnight. We had to wait, as the Committee listened to speakers discussing another development proposal on the Agenda for close to two hours! Residents from Audubon, Claypine Rise and surrounding Rockwood streets sat patiently in attendance. Both Councillor Fonseca and Ed Sajecki, Commissioner of Planning and Building for the City spoke to the City’s rezoning efforts to keep the lands zoned for Low Density Residential, Single Detached Dwellings.
RHA VP Joe Silva made a deputation to P&D Committee, and the good news is that the P&D Committee passed a motion that City Council should direct the City’s legal staff to defend the City’s
position of opposing the 30 Townhomes development as the proposal is set to be heard in April at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).
Early April, RHA VP Joe Silva spoke on behalf of residents regarding 1715 Audubon at the pre-hearing for the OMB. A hearing date has been set for January 12, 2015 for 10 business days. RHA will update you as soon as more information is available.
Recently TRCA (The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) held a seminar at the Burnhamthorpe Library on “Greening Your Grounds” and how to landscape your property in an eco-friendly way. Great to see RHA Directors and residents attend this informative night.
We invite you to attend this year’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, May 8. Come meet your local Councillor, hear from Peel Regional Police, get an update on the Bus Rapid Transit project behind Rockwood, and give your input to TRCA on environmental projects you want to see within the Burnhamthorpe SNAP (Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan). Thanks to Class Productions for offering free tickets for a draw in their upcoming performances of “Goody Two Shoes” in May at the Maja Prentice Theatre. Please plan to attend-- you may just win!
I would like to thank our Board of Directors who have attended various meetings, run the organization, managed the newsletter, promoted RHA’s communications on the web and provided great insight and perspective into the issues we deal with affecting our Rockwood community. Your commitment to serving this volunteer organization is truly appreciated!
As always, we welcome your comments, questions and concerns. Reach us at [email protected] or through our Facebook and Twitter pages.
~ Simi Kapur, Rockwood Homeowners' Association President
*Please note this article was originally published in the Summer 2014 edition of The Rockwood Times.