An important community meeting regarding the current development proposal for 1715 Audubon Boulevard has been scheduled for Wednesday, January 7th, 2015 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Burnhamthorpe Community Centre, Forest Glen Program Room (West). The agenda will focus on discussing a settlement offer proposed by Beverley Homes substituting 20 semi-detached homes, in place of 30 town homes originally planned for the parcel of land. All Rockwood Village residents are invited to attend this important meeting.
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1715 Audubon Blvd. (Audubon lands) Ontario Municipal Board to host hearing in January. If it matters to you, you’ll attend the Hearing and support the RHA and the 2,500 residents whose interests it protects who have resoundingly said, they do not approve of a development application which is not in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood. If it matters to you, you’ll be there showing that the current proposal of 30 town homes is an intense over development of the site with multiple environmental and safety issues. If it matters to you, you’ll be there showing the OMB that over the past 10 years, you have worked with two City Councillors and the City’s Planning Department in providing significant input into the planning process to zone the lands at 1715 Audubon Blvd. as single, detached family dwellings. If it matters to you, you’ll make it clear that we as citizens and the City of Mississauga were part of the city wide led visioning process of the City’s Official Plan (OP) and have put in a lot of work in both the City’s OP and Strategic Plan. If it matters to you, you’ll be there showing that you know your neighbourhood best. If it matters to you, please be there. The hearing with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) will take place on Monday, January 12, 2015, 10:00 a.m. Municipal Hearing Room City of Mississauga Civic Centre, 300 City Centre Dr. Underground paid parking available or carpool if possible! For more about the OMB go to *Please note this article was originally published in the Winter 2014 edition of The Rockwood Times. Hello, everyone!
It’s been a busy two months for RHA, attending many community events. Late March, a delegation of RHA Directors and residents attended the City of Mississauga’s Planning and Development (P&D) Meeting to make a deputation on the proposal made by Beverly Homes for the lands at 1715 Audubon Blvd., requesting P&D make an amendment to the Mississauga Official Plan to change the Area Designation from Parkway Belt West to Residential Medium Density. In addition, they were asking to change the zoning for the land from Parkway Belt to allow 30 townhomes. It was a long-awaited decision as our item on the Agenda did not go in front of the Committee until midnight. We had to wait, as the Committee listened to speakers discussing another development proposal on the Agenda for close to two hours! Residents from Audubon, Claypine Rise and surrounding Rockwood streets sat patiently in attendance. Both Councillor Fonseca and Ed Sajecki, Commissioner of Planning and Building for the City spoke to the City’s rezoning efforts to keep the lands zoned for Low Density Residential, Single Detached Dwellings. RHA VP Joe Silva made a deputation to P&D Committee, and the good news is that the P&D Committee passed a motion that City Council should direct the City’s legal staff to defend the City’s position of opposing the 30 Townhomes development as the proposal is set to be heard in April at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Early April, RHA VP Joe Silva spoke on behalf of residents regarding 1715 Audubon at the pre-hearing for the OMB. A hearing date has been set for January 12, 2015 for 10 business days. RHA will update you as soon as more information is available. Recently TRCA (The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) held a seminar at the Burnhamthorpe Library on “Greening Your Grounds” and how to landscape your property in an eco-friendly way. Great to see RHA Directors and residents attend this informative night. We invite you to attend this year’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday, May 8. Come meet your local Councillor, hear from Peel Regional Police, get an update on the Bus Rapid Transit project behind Rockwood, and give your input to TRCA on environmental projects you want to see within the Burnhamthorpe SNAP (Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan). Thanks to Class Productions for offering free tickets for a draw in their upcoming performances of “Goody Two Shoes” in May at the Maja Prentice Theatre. Please plan to attend-- you may just win! I would like to thank our Board of Directors who have attended various meetings, run the organization, managed the newsletter, promoted RHA’s communications on the web and provided great insight and perspective into the issues we deal with affecting our Rockwood community. Your commitment to serving this volunteer organization is truly appreciated! As always, we welcome your comments, questions and concerns. Reach us at [email protected] or through our Facebook and Twitter pages. ~ Simi Kapur, Rockwood Homeowners' Association President *Please note this article was originally published in the Summer 2014 edition of The Rockwood Times. It was a long evening for Rockwood residents who waited to be heard by the Planning Department on the issue of the Beverly Homes plan for development on the Audubon Boulevard lands.
Beverly Homes has applied for a change in zoning to allow 30 town home units to be built in the vacant land on Audubon. The land is currently zoned for low density, residential, single-detached dwellings. RHA was represented by its Vice-President, Joe Silva, a local resident. A neighbourhood case was made that the current zoning should be upheld by the City. Councillor Fonseca and Ed Sajecki, Commissioner of Planning and Building for the City, also spoke in support of the neighbourhood voices. It was well after midnight when the Committee passed a motion that City Council would direct the City’s legal staff to defend the positions of the residents and Councils to oppose the townhouse development and maintain the current zoning. While the first battle has been won, this is far from a done deal. Beverly Homes has already filed several appeals with the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board). The next step will be preparing for the preliminary OMB hearings. Ultimately, OMB will have the final say on the zoning of these lands. *Please note this article was originally published in the Summer 2014 edition of The Rockwood Times. The application for a zoning approval for Beverly Homes to move forward with a townhouse
development on Audubon and Fieldgate is scheduled to go before the City Planning Committee on March 24th. At that time, residents will have the opportunity to provide their input to the Planning and Development Committee. Councillor Fonseca, will be voicing her support of upholding the current designated zoning for Residential Low Density housing. Beverly Homes is requesting a zoning change that will allow the construction of 30 town homes. If you would like to be heard at that meeting, contact Mumtaz Alikhan, Legislative Coordinator at [email protected] or 905-615-3200 x5425. *Please note this article was originally published in the Spring 2014 edition of The Rockwood Times. On July 4, 2012 Council adopted a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment that proposed amending The Mississauga Plan to “Residential Low Density 1” and rezoning the lands to permit detached dwellings on the property. Subsequent to Council’s decision, Beverley Homes has filed an Official Plan Amendment and a Rezoning application to amend the Mississauga Official Plan with the objective of changing the usage to Residential Medium Density and to rezoning the lands to Residential Townhouse. They are seeking approval to build 30 town homes that would also be set on a common element private road. According to Fonseca’s website “Councillor Fonseca does not support the proposed Application by Beverley Homes. Beginning in October, 2009, Former Councillor Prentice worked with staff to ensure the land was rezoned to ensure any development would be in keeping with the existing community ie. Single-family dwellings.” As with the Forest Park proposal, the Councillor has promised that before the Beverley Homes proposal is sent to council, there will be public meetings at which time local residents can voice their concerns. RHA supports the local residents in their opposition to the changes to the current zoning for single family home. To keep informed on any activity visit the website Author: Leszek Pisarek, Director, Rockwood Homeowners' Association 1315 BOUGH BEECHES | The City of Mississauga, Planning Department has advised the RHA that as of November 9, 2010 there is no new information and no site plan application has been received by the City of Mississauga Planning Department. We will be informed if and when any new information is received. In 2008 zoning was approved and the project was included in the City’s Official Plan, in spite of community efforts to block permission to amend the zoning. Under the revised zoning, the maximum number of units (existing and new) permitted on the site is 683 units. As there are currently 270 units on this site, the maximum number of new units will be limited to 413 units and represents a maximum floor space index (FSI) of 2.56. If the developer submits the new application and plans requesting construction beyond what the current zoning states (either through minor variance or rezoning), a public notification and full hearing process would be required. However, should the proposed construction plan be within current City’s Official Plan and zoning, it will not require a public notification or hearing. Members of the public will able to view the plans upon request. AUDUBON PARK | Earlier this year, the ORC (Ontario Realty Corporation) advised the City of Mississauga of their intention to dispose of an empty lot on the North-East corner of Audubon Blvd. and Fieldgate Dr. This parcel is currently being leased by the City for green space. As the City has the right of first refusal on the property, they were approached to purchase the land. The City has declined to purchase the land as green space, and the ORC has now removed the land from the “Parkway Belt West” plan leaving the City free to initiate an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning to apply designation and municipal zoning to this land. It is expected that City will recommend a similar designation and zoning as the surrounding residential area (Low Density Residential). However, this process will be subject to the public process and area residents will be notified. A public meeting will be held in the New Year. For more information please contact Diana Rusnov, Manager, Central Area Development and Design Div. Planning and Building Dept. 905.615.3200 ext.5534 *Please note this article was originally published in the Winter 2010 edition of The Rockwood Times. Author: Boris Swedak, Advisor & Life Member, Rockwood Homeowners' Association The City of Mississauga is taking steps towards the rezoning of Audubon Park which is located in the North end of our Rockwood Community where Fieldgate Drive meets Audubon Boulevard. Diana Rusnov at the City met with Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) staff in October to start the rezoning process. The ORC will be submitting an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) to remove the lands from the Parkway Belt West Plan. A public notice in a local paper will inform Rockwood residents of the proposed change. Once the application is signed off by the Minister, the City will receive notice that the lands are no longer in the Parkway Belt West plan. Next, Mississauga’s Planning & Building [P&B] Department will undertake a City initiated Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning to designate and zone the lands in line with the abutting and surrounding area. While the ORC did mention that they would like some additional density for possible townhouses, Mississauga said that they would not support this but agreed to a single family zone the same as the R4 on the rest of Audubon. Finally, once the lands are designated in the Official Plan [OP] and Zoning By-law, the ORC will proceed to put the lands on the market. The successful purchaser will then need to make an application for severance to create the individual lots. This entire process is likely to take more than a year. *Please note this article was originally published in the Spring 2010 edition of The Rockwood Times. |
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